Our Bio50+ packaging scored 19 out of 20 testing points based on the research method from Interseroh (zero waste solutions). The Interseroh research was conducted with criteria and evaluation methodology of the bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH, tested by the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (Fraunhofer IVV).
The ‘Green’ advantages of the Cups4you Biobased ranges are:
• Reduction in the use of fossil raw material stock
• Positive contribution to CO² reduction
• Substantial increased circularity (Post-life and pre-life)
• Very good recyclability
We are very delighted with this result and it is extremely motivating for us to continue to innovate and produce our packaging as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible.
Don’t hesitate to contact us to inform you about biobased packaging options for your company.